Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Awakening

I was introduced to motherhood at a very young age when my mother gave birth to my youngest brother (Krister Jay). I was with her at the hospital and I felt like an expectant mother as seemed like I was feeling my mother's pains and anxiety. I had also hoped that I would have a baby sister; and so I was there waiting for my baby sister (my wish). Therefore, as my Mom was going through a complicated delivery and she had to stay in bed and several trips to the hospital, I was there with her. It was also during that time when my Mom (at here bedside) taught me one of her favorite songs of her lifetime-Don't Cry for me Argentina. I was 10 years old that time and being the only daughter and the eldest, I had to assume the responsibility of taking care of my baby brother which I believed has somehow gave us both this special bond.

As years passed, I have learned to love the nurturing side of being a mother which I didnt know my mom has been teaching me all through out my growing years. She has taught me at a very early age of cooking and baking and be domesticated. My dad has taught me to be independent, open , organised and plan things ahead. He being a military and grew up in a military family. We were raised in a sort of a military way. I applaude, praise and thank my parents for raising us well and showing us a loving, supportive and caring family. In all honesty, my best friends are my brothers and my cousins.

I got married at the age of 20, just 6 months after I graduated from my Nursing Degree, and just after passing my licensure. It was such a big frustration and shocked from the rest of my family. I did get a lot of moral and physical support from my parents, grandparents and my aunties who helped take care of my son - since at that point inmy life, I was a babe myself- having been pampered and spoiled by all, especially my Mama (Mama Felisa). But in the end, the birth of my oldest son Patrick Antonio-- brought in joy and happiness to the rest of my family. Practically, Patrick grew up with a lot loving people around him; my family and Ed's family and friends. Ten years after Patrick was delivered, Juan Carlos ( JC) was born who brought wonders and laughters.

I am now 35 years old, I've been through a lot of mishaps and so much blessings as well. Sometimes i would say, I couldnt ask for more.. or did I really deserve all these?:)
I am starting this blog for the people that i care and love and we often dont see each other and I believe this is a medium for them to know my thoughts and my adventures in this lifetime..


Unknown said...

Dearest Ate Tin,

What an amazing story which is perfect to read on a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Siem Reap ( = Thank you for sharing your thoughts which is a piece of inspiration to me and surely for the rest of the family and to readers out there. I truly admire you, the courage that you have shown, in every stage that you have gone through in life. You have many accomplishments that are something to be proud of and just as being you and the hard work that’s what makes you very successful now. I admire your bubbly personality as well, you never fail to create a happy environment, whenever we were gathered together, every time. You are such a wonderful and lovely person Ate Tin and we are all blessed to have you as our family. I have to agree with you, we realize after, that we were actually being taught to learn by our parents and may I say, our family members, and even the people around us, or just the time and experience itself. I recalled the breakfast meetings with you while I was in PNH, I do miss that. Even though we seldom see each other now, I am glad and I truly treasure those times with you, Manoy Boboy and Patrick. I do look forward to that chance to bond again. For now, I will keep this beautiful story, treasure the memories and use as my inspiration to look forward to (= (Maagom naman ako!) – Thanks sis-in-law, I love you!


Jen said...

i am proud to be called as family. you are a beutiful person inside and out and at the same time a wonderfull mom. they said oftentimes motherhood defines who you are, this is something that you are for the rest of your life. i saw how pat and later jc brought you..they made you who you are now. i know that they are the center of your universe and all your dreams are woven around their own dreams.
do you know that you also mother me? though in a more cool way hehehehe
its not easy being you, i know that, but what is important is that at the end of the day you like what you have become through all your stories...
i look forward to getting to know you more through your writtings...
kudos cuz!

kj said...

this a big step for me to get to know you and for you to reveal your inner psyche...i am proud of what you have done (and been doing) for the family..keep it up sis..i'll be waiting for more of your thoughts..i wish that one day writing will be replaced by the other W in your life...hahaha....WINE.....:) love you