Sunday, October 25, 2009


I woke up today having a strange dream that kept me sitting in my balcony until such time that I have to hurry doing my morning routines as I am running late for work. While I was having my morning thoughts and ponder, I felt the cool breeze of October and I realised that a month more, it will be December and its going to be Christmas!

Christmas! How I love this time of the year. The cool breeze, the distinct smell of freshness of the trees and festivity. It is also a month of being with loved ones, relatives , friends and meeting new friends. I always have this beautiful memories of christmas-- christmas lights and decors on the streets, buildings and houses. I personally also make this time as my way showing my love and remembering those that are so dear to me -- that I personally take time to choose something special for them. Either in a form of a gift, a message or something that I know will make them smile and feel special.

However, this season also brings back nostalgia to me. There is a certain sadness that I feel as well during this time of the year. Everytime the clock strucks 12 midnight , where in the Philippines we would normally celebrate christmas eve. I would shed a tear or two. No one knows that- not even my husband or my family in general. I kept my silence and in one corner when I am alone.. I had that moment of sadness..nostalgia. For once, our family is not complete anymore. My dad is no longer there to celebrate the christmas with us. I remember how he would not forget to always give us a christmas card with his words of love when he was still alive and as well as seeing my mom with a certain sadness in her eyes, that I know she longed for Dad.
Cherished each moment with your matter how far they are..or no matter where they are.. love them with all your might. Continue telling them how much you are so thankful for having them. While you can and have the means, be with them.. have that precious time and moments with them.. cos there will be a time that as much as you wanted to say and show how much you love them.. its not possible anymore.
More so, other thoughst and feelings came in to me during those moments of nostalgia. Certain things that are too personal for me.
Anyhow, I look forward to Christmas this year again.. Seeing the smiles and hearing laughters of the additional blessings in our family.. :)

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