Saturday, August 8, 2009

Love Knows No Bounds

They say in your lifetime, you would experience major problems and challenges besides the daily ups and downs and that qualify as part of molding you a better person from learning through mistakes or it could also put you in the pit of darkness that could make you a less better person. Retracing back my memory 12 years ago, I had experience the big turn in my life and that really drove me down to the brink. Through that, It has continued to remind me of a family's love.
I was born in a family with full of love, laughter and support for each other. Inhibitions and condemnation is not a well know word for us. Everyone is openminded to everything ( well, I am sure there are hidden secrets now and then) but as far as I can remember when that hidden secret is revealed, no one was outcasted in the family but instead supported with spiritual, moral, physical and emotional support.
My mom's family ( the Perez ) continues to amaze me. From the early marriage of my " Tay & Nay" and how they raised their 6 children. I loved hearing Tay's stories over and over again.. on how he had to go fishing to feed his family and Nay had to sell fish in the bigger city. Despite the hardships in the early years of their life, it didnt stop them from pursuing their dreams and become successful -- owning one of the biggest scrap and metal junk shop and an in demand meals from the eatery & catering of my grandma during the peak of their adulthood. The great skills of my titos being a gunsmith-- molding, designing and repairing guns of all sorts and that has taken them to meet top officials in my country but remained humble in their life. The rest have gone to other professions as teachers and government employees. They were raised in a way of God loving and fearing ( being Christians -- charismatic, strong conviction for the love of God) and nothing is impossible if you believe in God's love. Those values were then handed over to all of us. Being a close knit family, everytime we are gathered, there's always the never ending stories of their childhood and our childhood and the sumptous food that each one made..especially of my Mom and Nay ( grandma). There's also the big sense of humour that surrounds us one is spared of being tricked or teased.. and sometimes if you are new in the family ( either a gf/bf, a guest, a friend) are already part of the family and welcomes you with loving arms..We are one rowdy gypsy bunch!!... soon you would here laughters, singing and on-going cooking and eating.
My dad's family ( the Borja) is where I basically grew up and I was the first grand child of this clan. My lolo Fred was a war veteran and my lola Felisa owns a small grocery store. They raised 6 children. Both my dad and my uncle went to pursue being a soldier and became high ranking officers but unfortunately was taken in this world at an early age of their life. The rest pursued to be a banker, a government official and a lawyer. I was 7 years old when my mom took the job and later on my dad followed in Morong, Bataan as humanitarian workers. It was the decision from my grandparents that I stay on with them in Legaspi to continue my primary school. They have shown me how a grandparents love for their children is beyond the love of a parent to their children. I was spoiled by them.. my lolo and lola , my uncles and my aunts. But mind you, even I was spoiled, I had my fair share of " old school punishment" from my naughtiness & stubborness ( and i will write more about it next time).. kneeling for several minutes with my arms raised and books in both hands, spanking my butt by using the dried long tail of a stingray! I was that naughty little girl. But those things does not comprise of the love I have felt from my dad's family. My lolo used to walk with me in the morning to school ( since my school was just a few minutes walk from their house), on how he would often tell me stories of his life, taught me life's greatest lesson ( which i believed he played a big role of my passion to become a nurse) and my lola who has given me so much love one can never imagine. My auntie Titing who became my surrogate mother and a best friend. She is the epitome of a woman --very caring and loving. Auntie Nene being the youngest became like my older sister, that until now, we treat each other like one.
My cousins and brothers have been my ever bestfriends-- each one of them has its own unique stories and memories of our childhood adventures which even now we are older, wiser and naughtier..there's always that strong unique bond of closeness and love.
Both of these family has given me and the rest of us the arms to survive in this world. One's problem is embraced by everyone. Although they would not meddle in your affairs or issues but when you needed them, they are there to give you all the support you need in different forms-- may it be praying with you, advices, making you laugh, a hug, long hours of listening to your woes, being just there when you feel that you are alone even there are no words said.We are not a perfect family, most of us has gone through worst moments in our lives.. but I have not witnessed or heard a word uttered that they have condemned the person or spiteful words that one can feel more demoralized in a troubled mind state. They will continue you to remind you of God's powerful love and thier love.
Thats where I survived and I continue to survive from all the troubles, failures and pains I have gone through in my life.When I fall and crumble and feel that everything fails.. I felt I was never alone. The love of my family never fails to linger in my heart and mind and that helped me slowly stand up with might and pick up the pieces again..that's what happened to me 12 years ago and I am what I am now because of them.
I also believed that because of them, I have learned the true meaning of love and loving is all about giving irregardless it could hurt you deeply and painfully or giving to the fullest but in the end, you will always have a smile in your heart because I was taught by them that love knows no bounds.
I am so blessed to have been given this family and I am so proud of them. My pride, joy and respect to the Borja & Perez Clan. Thank you to all of you. I love you all..

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